Somebody's Daughter Theatre Company
Prison and Post Release

SDT has been working with women in Victorian Prisons in performance and visual arts since 1980.
SDT is the only company in Australia undertaking contemporary theatre and visual arts practice with an annual public presentation of the work within the women’s prison system.
“Having been involved in theatre for 10 plus years, I have seen a lot. I have never been so moved, inspired and completely immersed in any production (theatre or film) before. I am so grateful to have witnessed the play tonight”. (F 34 Theatre Producer)
While the company has evolved it still operates on the same principle as it did when it began. The work has nothing to do with changing people, it is not to pathologise behaviour – it is to create. To create exceptional theatre/art/film with individuals who are in the main excluded.
“It has had a huge impact on my jail time. It is one of the few spaces where I’m free to be me – without defences and masks.”
“I think this is the first thing I have ever started and actually seen through to completion! Getting recognition for doing the work with Somebody’s Daughter means that a Criminal Record Number, name and crime is not the only label I carry…”
See ABC News article on SDTC's work in the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre
She Swallowed That Lie

Poster for She Swallowed That Lie
ABC TV's Art Works featured a segment on She Swallowed That Lie which you can watch here.
Miss It Appears We've Hit Some Turbulence
Podcast - listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast platform.

Somebody's Daughter Theatre produced a podcast with the women in Dame Phyllis Frost Centre based on the 2019 play Miss It Appears We've Hit Some Turbulence. The podcast showcases the women inside DPFC performing, with women post release commenting on the process of devising a play, as well as their lived experience of being in prison.
Dame Phyllis Frost & Tarrengower Prisons Artworks
By Donna, Nese, Thorany, Kia, Kaz, Vicky, Sam, Toni, Trynh, Margaret, Jeanette