Somebody's Daughter Theatre Company
Digital Resources
Miss It Appears We've Hit Some Turbulence - Podcast!
Somebody's Daughter Theatre produced a podcast with the women in Dame Phyllis Frost Centre based on the 2019 play Miss It Appears We've Hit Some Turbulence. The podcast showcases the women inside DPFC performing, with women post release commenting on the process of devising a play, as well as their lived experience of being in prison.
This podcast was produced with the support of:

No Means No
Young People Speak Out About Consent
Inspired by the words of former Australian of the Year and sexual assault survivor Grace Tame, the students/artists at Nobody's Fool Theatre have created an in-your-face music video about consent titled No Means No.
The video was produced with the assistance of the Give Where You Live Foundation.
Lost In The Spin
Women formerly in custody at Dame Phyllis Frost Centre feature in Lost in the Spin, a video that uses visuals and music to warn about the dangers of problem gambling.
No More Hiding in Silence
Women in prison stand together against violence
No More Hiding in Silence was adapted from a scene from the play Expectant, which was devised and performed by the women in the Dame Phyllis Frost maximum security prison in 2016.
The HighWater Film (48 minutes-drama) based on the establishment of an alternative education setting for “kids who don’t fit” was shown at the Santa Fe Film Festival (New Mexico) in April 2016. The film is now available for public screening.
Based on true events, HIGHWATER tells the story of how HighWater Theatre School was born. Six at-risk teenagers, two ex-prisoner trainee artists and three passionate, yet naïve community artists have the daunting task of establishing an alternative school in a conservative border town of Australia.
Award of Recognition: Drama Program / Series
Award of Recognition: Special Purpose Productions
Award of Recognition: Use of Film / Video for Social Change
As a Good Parent Would
Documentary (30 minutes)
This digital resource looks at the current Out of Home Care system in Victoria. We hear from young people who have been in out of home care, their carers; workers and policy makers. We begin by asking: ‘What should care look like?’